Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tummy time breakthrough

Finally I am willing to have some tummy time without screaming!

Bathroom pics

Our upstairs bathroom is being re-done. Mom and Dad say the big tub will be a fun swimming pool for me filled with seals and penguins. I'm not sure yet what that means.

What are they teaching me?

Dad thought it would be funny to give me an empty beer bottle to hold. You'd think if I can hold this I could hold my own bottle to feed myself... but not quite yet.

Here I am watching TV with Dad. UFC rocks!
I had a bit of an attitude for this walk.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Harmony meets her baby friends

These are the babies from people that were in our birthing class at the hospital. We shared stories about the birth and our stay at the hospital. Our class instructor says that were are pretty lucky to have a happy baby. Harmony is now sleeping till 7:30 AM and gives us a giant smile when we pick her up in the morning.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Nice Hike w/ Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad promised me a fun day out. It's May and the weather if finally nice enough for me to be outside.

Mom makes sure that my hat keeps the sun off my baby skin. I will probable burn like Dad in the sun.

Thanks for the ride Dad!