Here are some pictures from Christmas vacation. Hopefully the next set of photos will be better, because Mom got a new camera for Christmas.
I had a great Christmas! I spent a lot of time with my puppy.
I got some great new toys for Christmas! This is me in my habitrail that I got from Nana and Papa. Other favorites are my shopping cart, stroller with baby and my bug puppets Hosea, Pedro, Selina and Juan Valdez.

Santa filled my stocking with candy and a police car that makes a lot of noise!

We went to play in the snow. I got to sled and make a snowman. Mom and Dad got to change a poopy diaper on a sled with no wipes. I guess I had a better time than they did. Mom had a great puppy hat that wagged in my face when I rode in the backpack.

We went to the beach with Nana, Papa and uncle Jeff. I had a great time. You can't tell from this picture, but again - Mom got a new camera. The pics will get better.

At Nana and Papa's on Christmas Day. Look at my cute Christmas jumper!

With my cousins. We played hard on Christmas!

We took the train downtown and rode the carousel. The train ride was even more fun than the carousel. The cocoa and cookies weren't bad either.